
November 8, 2016

Tips on Writing an Effective RBM Plan!

With risk based monitoring gaining importance in the clinical trials and with the release of the FDAs directives, it has become imperative to […]
November 7, 2016

How to Solve the Most Common Problems with Clinical Research?

Every year, millions of dollars are invested by pharmaceutical research and development companies due to clinical trial failures. All the capital invested on […]
November 4, 2016

The History of Clinical Research!

Each and every drug that is made available to the public in the market necessarily undergoes certain testing procedures. This process of medical […]
November 1, 2016

What Are The Biggest Biosimilar Challenges?

The term biosimilar refers to a pharmaceutical drug that is similar to an originally approved biological product with significant differences in safety and […]
October 31, 2016

Centralized or On-Site Monitoring – Which is a Better Approach for Risk Based Monitoring?

In the nascent stage of Risk Based Monitoring, it started on-site. But, with the passage of time, the focus shifted towards centralized monitoring. […]
October 27, 2016

Difference between AE and SAE in a Clinical Trial!

Clinical trials can result in several complications related to the medical conditions of the participants involved in a clinical trial. During a clinical […]
October 26, 2016

Changing Role of a Clinical Research Associate Using RBM!

With the focus and emphasis on Risk Based Monitoring, the role of the clinical research associates is changing. More than one-third of the […]
October 24, 2016

Criteria That FDA Uses In Deciding To Approve A New Drug

There are different phases of developing a new drug. The first phase is a preclinical phase. The duration of this phase lasts for […]
October 21, 2016

Tips for Hiring Data Scientists

Data Science is a special field where talent matters much more than the availability of tools and techniques. Thus, it is extremely important […]
October 20, 2016

How Important is RBM for a CRA?

Drug development and clinical research are evolving. Researchers are making every effort to improve data safety and integrity. Thus regulators in the US […]
October 18, 2016

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the technology that makes computers think intelligently. Artificial intelligence is a technology, a program of complex code that is […]
October 17, 2016

Is Data Scientist a Multi-Disciplinary Job?

Data scientists deal with finding solutions for complex problems, by analyzing technology, algorithms, and complex data structures. They deal with troves of raw […]
October 14, 2016

Different Types of Medical Narrative Writing!

Medical narratives are an important part of the reports prepared for any clinical trial. These are written to provide a brief description of […]
October 13, 2016

What is Risk Based Monitoring?

Clinical trials involved during a drug development are very costly. Some research projects require multiple monitoring, which increases the costs. Remote monitoring is […]
October 12, 2016

Important Drug Development Process!

Developing a new drug takes years of research and testing before it gets approved by FDA. The procedure of FDA approval is lengthy […]